• laixy@hust.edu.cn
  • 027-87543130
  • ZHOU Hongtao


Hongtao ZHOU is an associate professor of the Department of System Engineering, School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation. 

His research interests lie in the areas of complex networks theory and its applications to network controllability and financial and economic Networks.

Academic Degrees

Sept. 1988-July 1992 Wuhan University of Science and Technology (WUST) B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Sept. 1997-May 2000 Wuhan University of Science and Technology (WUST) M.S. in Management Science and Engineering
Sept.2000-May 2004 Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) Ph.D. in Systems Engineering

Professional Experience

Nov. 2007- present: Associate Professor, School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
May 2006- Nov. 2007: Lecturer, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
May 2004- April 2006: Postdoctoral researcher, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
July 1992-Sept. 1997: Engineer, Wuhan Duplicator Manufacturing Corp. for Auto Maintaining and Repairing Equipment.

Selected Publications

1. Hongtao Zhou, Wenfeng Zhou, and Wei Zeng. Flocking Control of Multiple Mobile Agents with the Rules of Avoiding Collision. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015.9:1-9.
2. Hongtao Zhou, Yanqiu Zhang, Wei Zeng, Hongwei Wang, Minghui Yu, Yong Xie. Smart construction: a new trend in mega construction projects. International Conference on Innovative Production and Construction (IPC 2015), Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 2015: 65-68.
3. Bo Liu, Xiaoling Wang, Housheng Su, Hongtao Zhou, Yuntao Shi, Rong Li. Adaptive Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks with Time-Varying Delays. Circuits Syst Signal Process, 2014, 33:1173-1188.
4. Jiaojie Li, Wei Zhang, Housheng Su, Yupu Yang, Hongtao Zhou. Coordinated obstacle avoidance with reduced interaction. Neurocomputing, 2014, 139: 233–245.
5. Wei Zeng, Hongtao Zhou, Mingshan You. Risk-Sensitive Multiagent Decision Theoretic Planning Based on MDP and One-Switch Utility Functions. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014.1:1-8.
6. Liu Dan, Zeng Wei, Zhou Hongtao.  A two-level hierarchical Markov decision model with considering interaction between levels. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2013, 18(1): 37-41.
7. Hongtao Zhou, Jiang Jiang, Wei Zeng, Guangyong Liu, Yi Wang. Simulation Experiment of Continuous Double Auction Stock Market based on Multi-Agent Model. The IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing, 2010: 5-9.
8. Yi Wang, Hongtao Zhou, Wei Zeng. The Agent-based Simulation of Inventory-based Model Impact on Market Maker Trading Mechanism. The fourth International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence, 2011: 609-612.
9. Xiaofeng Lin, Hongtao Zhou, Wei Zeng, Hao Wang. Simulation Research on Artificial Financial Market Based on Multiple Competitive Market-makers. 3rd International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS 2012), 2012. 722-729.
10. Xiaobing Liang, Hongtao Zhou, Wei Zeng. Price Limits Simulation of a Continuous-Double-Auction Artificial Financial Market. 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Integrated Systems, 2011: 454-458

Awards and Honors

Best Paper Award, International Conference on Innovative Production and Construction (IPC 2015), Perth, Western Australia, Australia: “Smart Construction: A New Trend in Mega Construction Projects”.

Courses Taught

For Undergraduates: 
System Modeling
Logistics System Planning
An Introduction to Modern Logistics


Current Research Projects:
1 Jan. 2015-Dec.2018: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 61473129): “Flocking of heterogeneous multi-agent systems”.
2 Jan. 2014-Dec.2018: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 71390524): “Integrated coordination and control of construction sites in mega construction projects”.
Finished Research Projects:
1 Jan. 2010-Dec.2012: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 60974088): “Emergence of trading mechanism in a complex financial markets system based on agent based modeling”.
Patents and Software Copyright Registration

Copyright © School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved.

South Building 1, HUST, Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074