• laixy@hust.edu.cn
  • 027-87543130
  • FANG Huajing


Huajing Fang has been working as a professor since 1994 at the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. He is the vice-chair of the Technical Committee on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, and a member of the Technical Committee on Control Theory, Chinese Association of Automation. His research interests include networked control systems, fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of dynamic systems, etc.

Academic Degrees

Feb. 1978-Feb 1982 Huazhong University of Science and Technology B.S. in Control Science and Engineering

Feb. 1982-Jun. 1984  Huazhong University of Science and Technology M.S. in Control Science and Engineering

Sept.1988-Jun. 1991 Huazhong University of Science and Technology Ph.D. in Control Science and Engineering

Selected Publications

[01] Zhaoxu Chen, Huajing Fang, and Yang Chang,Weighted Data-Driven Fault Detection and Isolation: A Subspace-Based Approach and Algorithms,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,MAY 2016,63(5) , 3290 – 3298,DOI 10.1109/TIE.2016.2535109, ISSN :0278-0046

[02] Xiu-juan Zheng,Hua-jing Fang. “Recursive state estimation for nonlinear systems with event-triggered data transmission, norm-bounded uncertainties and multiple missing measurements”,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,2016, DOI: 10.1002/rnc.3527.

[03] Shaoying Wang, Huajing Fang, Xuegang Tian, Minimum variance estimation for linear uncertain systems with one-step correlated noises and incomplete measurements,  Digital Signal Processing, Volume 49, February 2016, Pages 126–136

[04] Shaoying Wang, Huajing Fang and Xuegang Tian, Recursive estimation for nonlinear stochastic systems with multi-step transmission delays, multiple packet dropouts and correlated noises. Signal Processing, 2015, 115(2015), 164–175.

[05] Zefang Li, Huajing Fang, Ming Huang, Diversified learning for continuous hidden Markov models with application to fault diagnosis, Expert Systems With Applications, 2015, 42(2015),9165–9173.

[06] Xiujuan Zheng and Huajing Fang, An integrated unscented kalman filter and relevance vector regression approach for lithium-ion battery remaining useful life and short-term capacity prediction, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2015, 144(2015),74-82.

[07] Shaoying Wang, Huajing Fang, Xiaoyong Liu, Distributed state estimation for stochastic non-linear systems with random delays and packet dropouts, IET Control Theory & Applications, v 9, n 18, p 2657-65, 10 Dec. 2015

[08] Bo Ding and Huajing Fang (2015): Multi-faults detection and estimation for nonlinear stochastic system based on particle filter and hypothesis test, International Journal of Systems Science, DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2015.1126381,Published online: 28 Dec 2015

[09] Jiang, Shun、*Fang, Huajing,Quantized stabilization of discrete-time systems in a networked environment,Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38(5–6), pp 1685-1697, 2014/3/1.

[10] Li, Zefang、Fang, Huajing、Xia, Lisha,Increasing mapping based hidden Markov model for dynamic process monitoring and diagnosis,Expert Systems with Applications, 41(2), pp 744-751, 2014/2/1.

Awards and Honors

[1] Excellent Teaching education, management education and service education Award of HUST in 2013 ( 2013 年度“三育人奖”)

[2] Excellent Teaching Morality Award of HUST in 2005  (2005年度师德先进个人奖)

[3] Excellent Proposal Award of Hubei Province Committee of CPPCC in 2004  (湖北省政协2004年优秀提案奖)

Courses Taught

For Undergraduates:

[1] Automatic Control Theory

For Graduates:

[1] Fundamentals of Robust Control Theory

[2] Introduction to Networked Control System


Research Projects:

[1] Jan. 2015 – Dec.2018: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 61473127 )  ”Fault Prognostics  for Networked Dynamic Systems”

[2] Jan. 2011 – Dec.2014: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 61034006 )  ” Data Driven Fault Prognostics and Health Management for Complex Engineering Systems”

[3]  Jan. 2009 – Dec.2011: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 60874053 )  ” Fault Diagnosis and Safety of Complex Networked Control Systems”

[4] Jan. 2006 – Dec.2008: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 60574088 )  ” Scalable Coordinated Control for Networked Swarm Systems”

[5] Jan. 2003 – Dec.2005: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 60274014 )  ” Fault Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Control for Networked Control Systems”

Copyright © School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved.

South Building 1, HUST, Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074