• laixy@hust.edu.cn
  • 027-87543130
Notice on Conducting the 2024 Spring Interim Assessment for Master's Students

Jun 5, 2024

Interim Assessment is a crucial step in the training of master's students, serving as an important measure and guarantee for improving the quality of master's education. According to the "Regulations on the Training of Master's Students at Huazhong University of Science and Technology" (Document No. [2023] 04 of the Graduate School), and in line with the "Implementation Rules for the Training Stages of Master's Students (Thesis Proposal Defense, Interim Assessment) in the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation" (Document No. [2024] 04 of the School, hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Rules"), the notification for the 2024 Spring Interim Assessmentis as follows:

#### I. Assessment Candidates

Master's students of the 2023cohort who meet the following conditions can apply for the Interim Assessment:

1. All coursework is completed with passing grades.

2. The thesis proposal defense has been passed (including the submission of paper materials and the approval of system processes).

3. The "Mid-term Progress Report" is completed and approved by the supervisor for participation in the Interim Assessment.

Other master's students from cohorts prior to 2023, who have not completed this stage previously but are expected to graduate in 2025, are also required to undergo the assessment this time.

#### II. Assessment Period

From now until October 30. The specific time is to be determined by each department.

#### III. Assessment Procedure

TheInterim Assessment for master's students is organized by each department, which may divide participants into several groups based on the number of participants. Specific procedures are detailed in the "Implementation Rules".

#### IV. Additional Instructions

1. Master's students need to submit their applications in the "Mid-term Defense" section of the graduate training system. They must also submit a hard copy of the "Mid-term Progress Report" and the "Master's Student Mid-term Screening Assessment Form" for their supervisor's review and comments. When filling out the assessment comments, the supervisor should provide specific feedback rather than simply writing "approved".

2. When filling out the "Master's Student Mid-term Screening Assessment Form", students also need to include their academic grades. The Graduate Office will later review the grades. The "Political Thought Performance" section should be left blank for the Student Affairs Office to fill in later.

3. The defense secretary will compile the assessment scores of their group in the "Summary Table of Master's Mid-term Screening" and designate a student to submit all group materials. The defense secretary also needs to fully record the defense details and approval process in the system.

4. Submission requirements: Each assessment group must submit the following materials to the Graduate Office (Room 307, South Building 1) by November 5: one copy of the group's "Summary Table of Master's Mid-term Screening", one copy of the Mid-term Progress Report for each master's student, one copy of the "Master's Student Mid-term Screening Assessment Form" for each student, and five copies of the "Graduate Research Capability Evaluation Form".


- "Regulations on the Training of Master's Students at Huazhong University of Science and Technology" (Document No. [2023] 04 of the Graduate School)

- "Implementation Rules for the Training Stages of Master's Students (Thesis Proposal Defense, Interim Assessment) in the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation" (Document No. [2024] 04 of the School)

- Summary Table of Master's Mid-term Screening

- Graduate Research Capability Evaluation Form

- Graduate Mid-term Screening Assessment Form

- Template for Graduate Thesis Report

Download link for attachments: [http://aia.hust.edu.cn/sjnr.jsp?urltype=news.NewsContentUrl&wbtreeid=1120&wbnewsid=8992](http://aia.hust.edu.cn/sjnr.jsp?urltype=news.NewsContentUrl&wbtreeid=1120&wbnewsid=8992)

School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation Graduate Office

June 4, 2024

Copyright © School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved.

South Building 1, HUST, Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074