• laixy@hust.edu.cn
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AIA Holds Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2021

Jun 21, 2021

On the morning of June 20, AIA held the graduation ceremony for the class of 2021. The school leaders, faculty representatives, and more than five hundred graduates of both bachelor's and master's programs attended the event.

In the warm-up session, a graduation commemorative video reminded everyone of their happy days during the school years. The microfilm, "Race Track", featuring HUST Intelligent Cars team, was premiered at the ceremony. The film told the story of team members working together and overcoming difficulties during the preparation for the contest. Many students and teachers felt moved and empathetic. During the singing session, a series of classic songs brought the event to a climax.

Afterward, School Committee Chair GENG Yuanming and School Dean ZENG Zhigang granted certificates of honor to bachelor graduates with honor(the highest achievement of a bachelor graduate in AIA). Then, Vice Dean PAN Linqiang, ZHONG Sheng, and ZHANG Haitao granted certificates of honor to outstanding graduates, and graduates who were to work in the impoverished areas in West China, or in the Governments at the county levels, or in the national key departments and institutes.

Yu Meng, class president of Automation Class 1703, spoke to the audience on behalf of all bachelor graduates. During the speech, he expressed his gratitude to the school, teachers, and his fellow students. YU Meng planned to maintain his student status in HUST and worked as a teacher in an isolated mountain village for a year. His youth would bloom in a place where our country needed him the most. His choice demonstrated the spirit of a CPC Party member who should be committed to the mission of serving his people.

WANG Zilu, who was going to do postdoctoral research at Southern University of Science and Technology, spoke on behalf of the master graduates. She called on all graduates to live up to the expectations of the school and teachers and to make the world a better place with the knowledge and skills they gained in AIA.

Professor YAN Luxin, the head of the Department of Aircraft Navigation, the class teacher of Automation Class 1703, spoke on behalf of teachers. He encouraged the graduates to be innovative in their future careers, to strive for excellence and took up their responsibilities for our country in the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Last but not least, Dean ZENG Zhigang delivered a speech. He expressed his warm congratulations to more than 600 graduates and introduced the achievements of the university and the school in the past few years, especially the contributions made by AIA faculty, students, and alumni during the prevention and control of the epidemic. His message to the graduates was to live up to the expectations of the university, to make a difference to the world, to refine their personality and morals, and to be courageous in the journey of life.

The ceremony ended with the chorus of "My Motherland and I"(a classic Chinese song).

Copyright © School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved.

South Building 1, HUST, Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074