On the afternoon of March 21st, Professor I.C. Morarescu from Université de Lorraine, France, was invited to our college for academic exchanges. He gave an academic report entitled "Singularly perturbed systems: stability analysis of hybrid systems, modeling of consensus". The report was hosted by Professor Wang Yanwu, and more than 20 teachers and students attended the seminar.On the afternoon of March 21st, Professor I.C. Morarescu from Université de Lorraine, France, was invited to our college for academic exchanges. He gave an academic report entitled "Singularly perturbed systems: stability analysis of hybrid systems, modeling of consensus". The report was hosted by Professor Wang Yanwu, and more than 20 teachers and students attended the seminar.
Professor Morarescu received his doctorates in Bucharest University and Compiègne Technical University in Romania in 2006. In 2016, he obtained a certificate in research guidance from Université de Lorraine. From March 2007 to October 2010, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Jean Kuntzmann laboratory of the National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA) and the GIPSA laboratory of the French National Research Center. His main research interests include analysis and synthesis of dynamic systems (such as hybrid systems, two-time-scale systems, time-delay systems), distributed control and optimization of multi-agent systems, modeling, analysis, and control of perspective dynamics in social networks. Professor Morarescu serves as an associate editor of the IMA Journal of Mathematical Control & Information and the IEEE Control Systems Society-Conference Editorial Board. He is a member of the International Automated Control Association (IFAC) Networked Systems Technical Committee, a member of Conference Program Committee in the 2018 IFAC Hybrid Systems Analysis and Design, and a member of the Seminar Program Committee in the 7th IFAC Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems.
This report first briefly introduced the engineering application background of the singular perturbation system and proposed a singular perturbation system model of hybrid pulse switching in which variables of slowly and fast varying state were converted at the switching time. Based on this model, Professor Morarescu introduced the stability analysis method of the hybrid singular perturbation system from the shallower to the deeper, and gave a definition method of the minimum dwell time to ensure the stability of the switching system. Finally, the model of network consistency was briefly introduced, with some consensus introduced and some concluding observations provided.
After the report, the teachers and students enthusiastically asked questions. Professor Morarescu gave detailed answers one by one. Prof. Morarescu's ans-wers gave the students great inspiration and help. Finally, Professor Wang Yanwu expressed his gratitude to Professor Morarescu for his excellent report.