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Forum on brain-inspired intelligence and intelligent control successfully held

Apr 19, 2022

On April 9, the Forum on Brain-inspired Intelligence and Intelligent Control was successfully held online. This forum was hosted by the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation of HUST.

Prof. HAN Qinglong, Vice-Chancellor of Swinburne University of Technology, Prof. SHI Peng from the University of Adelaide, Prof. WANG Zidong from Brunel University and Prof. CHEN Wenhua from Loughborough University attended the conference and gave excellent reports. The Forum explored the cutting-edge scientific issues and technological challenges of brain-inspired intelligence and intelligent control.

Professor HAN Qinglong, Vice-Chancellor of Swinburne University of Technology of Australia, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, and IEEE Fellow, first made a report entitled "Towards Resource-Efficient and Secure Automated Vehicles Platoons". In the report, the essentials of evolutionary platooning control technologies for connected automated vehicles were first introduced. Then, several key issues in the design and implementation of an automated vehicle platooning control system were elaborated. An emphasis was then placed on two emerging platooning control techniques: resource-efficient vehicle platooning and secure vehicle platooning. Furthermore, simulation and validation results under these two control techniques were presented.


Prof. SHI Peng of the University of Adelaide, Academician of Academia Europaea, IEEE Fellow,  gave a report entitled "Intelligent Control For Multi-Agent Systems". In this talk, the basic concepts and principles of the multi-agent system (MAS) were introduced, and Prof. Shi put forward the basic structure of design scheme of MASs, and expounded three kinds of intelligent control technology: multi-agent control technology based on neural network, non-uniform multi-agent robust control technology based on RL and elastic control technology under network attack.


Professor WANG Zidong of Brunel University, Academician of European Academy of Sciences, IEEE Fellow made a report entitled "PID Control Meets Networked Systems: The State-Space Approach". During this talk, Prof. Wang introduced the development process of PID control, and elaborated on some PID control methods. The method of parameter adjustment and its practical application in the industry were presented, and some research ideas that combined PID control with neural networks and industrial networked systems were proposed.


Professor Chen Wenhua of Loughborough University, IEEE Fellow, gave a report entitled "Dual Control for Exploration and Exploitation in Autonomous Search". In this report, Prof. Chen put forward the concept of autonomous search as a control system, and introduced the dual control of exploration and development in autonomous search basic framework and showed some experimental results.


This forum has provided an academic exchange platform for experts and scholars in the field of brain-inspired intelligence and intelligent control, and also strengthened international exchanges and cooperation.

This forum is part of the AIA Frontier academic series.


Original article written by Sheng Yin

Translated by Tian Xinyu

Edited by Lai Xiangyu

Copyright © School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved.

South Building 1, HUST, Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074