Wei ZENG is an associate professor of the Department of System Engineering, School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation.
His research interests lie in the areas of decision theory, game theory, and complex networks theory and its applications to social and economic systems.
Academic Degrees
Sept. 1986-July 1990 Huazhong of Science and Technology (HUST) B.S. in Control Science and Engineering
Sept. 1990-May 1993 Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) M.S. in Electric Power Engineering
Sept.1996-May 2001 Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) Ph.D. in Systems Engineering
Professional Experience
Apr. 1995- present: Associate Professor, School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Jun. 1993- Apr. 1995: Lecturer, Laser Institute, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Oct. 2003- Sept. 2005: Postdoctoral researcher, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Selected Publications
1. Wei Zeng, Hongtao Zhou, Mingshan You. Risk-Sensitive Multiagent Decision Theoretic Planning Based on MDP and One-Switch Utility Functions. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014.1:1-8.
2. Liu Dan, Zeng Wei, Zhou Hongtao. A two-level hierarchical Markov decision model with considering interaction between levels. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2013, 18(1): 37-41.
3. Hongtao Zhou, Wenfeng Zhou, and Wei Zeng. Flocking Control of Multiple Mobile Agents with the Rules of Avoiding Collision. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015.9:1-9.
4. Wang Hongwei, Cai Lingru, Zeng Wei. Research on the Evolutionary Game of Environmental Pollution in System Dynamic Model. Journal of Experimental Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2011, 23(1): 39-50.
5. Hongtao Zhou, Yanqiu Zhang, Wei Zeng, Hongwei Wang, Minghui Yu, Yong Xie. Smart construction: a new trend in mega construction projects. International Conference on Innovative Production and Construction (IPC 2015), Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 2015: 65-68.
6. Wei Zeng, Lei Cao, Hongtao Zhou. Dynamic Task Planning Based on Option with Interruption, 2012 Third International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 2012: 70-75.
7. Lei Cao, Wei Zeng, Hongtao Zhou, Chengli Liu, Yang Yang. Research of Reinforcement Learning-based Dynamic Task Planning of Emergency Rescue, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, 2011:85-89
8. Yang Yang, Wei Zeng, Hongtao Zhou. Decision-theoretic Planning of Emergency Task Network,Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology, 2012
9. Wei Zeng, Ying Li, Hongtao Zhou, Rong Chen. Research on dynamic emergency task allocation with MDP, 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE), 2010: 1452-1455
10. Wei Zeng, Qian Zhao, Study of Stochastic Demand Inventory Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows Based on MDP,Proc. of the 7th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2010), 2010: 193-200
Courses Taught
For Undergraduates:
Systems Engineering
Data Structure
Current Research Projects:
1. Jan. 2014-Dec.2018: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 71390524): “Integrated coordination and control of construction sites in mega construction projects”.
Finished Research Projects:
1 Jan. 2010-Dec.2012: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 70971048): “Research on emergency decision based on decision-theoretic theory”.
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