• laixy@hust.edu.cn
  • 027-87543130
  • CHEN Yang


Yang CHEN is a lecturer in the Department of Systems Science and Engineering.

Academic Degrees

1995—1999:Huazhong University of Science and Technology B.S.1999—2002:Huazhong University of Science and Technology M.S. in Systems Engineering.2002—2007:Huazhong University of Science and Technology Ph.D. in Systems Engineering.

Professional Experience

1999-2002:Assistant, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

2002-  : Lecturer, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Selected Publications

1. Yang Chen, Yong Zhao, Dong Xiang, Argumentation-based group discussion modeling and decision approach,  System Engineering Theory and Practice ,2013,33(7):1633-1639
2. Yang Chen, Dong Xiang, An Information Structuring Approach for Group Discussion, Procedia Engineering,2011,(15):1261-1265
3. Yang Chen, Yong Zhao, Visualization of the Experts’Opinion Consistency, The 2nd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering. Inner Mongolia, China, 2011
4. Yang Chen, Yong Zhao, Jingrui Zhang. Analysis on Electricity Pricing Mechanism for Cascade Hydropower Stations in China. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, 96:2200-2203

Courses Taught

Engineering Project Management, operational research


1 2010,Specialized
Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education,20100142120088,Complex product innovation design and hall of meta synthesis.            

2  2010, Nature Science Foundation of Hubei Province ,2010CDB01905, Synergy support technology and HWME for product innovation            

3 2011, Cost analysis and engineering research for Wanlu Lake direct drinking water engineering in Guadong Province, 2011      

4 2015, Study of Grid material allocation system, Hubei Huazhong power technology development co., LTD.                        

5 2016, Risk management for grid material supply guarantee and quality management,Hubei Electric Power Company.

Copyright © School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved.

South Building 1, HUST, Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074